Monday, September 27, 2010

Internship Opportunities

Hello SIF,
I have a few internship opportunities that you should check out if you are interested, and i tried sending this to the entire club via email but it seems that not everyone recieved it.
Begining September 27th On Campus Interviews will beging.  I encourage you all to go to your beach link accounts and look at all of the internships being offered.  If you are not interested in finding an internship through the school I have a few others you can try.
Lauren Thini is a sales assistant for a contempary line that is desperate need of an intern.  It is a contempary line called The Line and Dot.  If you are interested contact her at
The Junkyard Showroom is a showroom located at the New Mart in LA. Our previous president had the plessure of interning at the showroom a few semesters ago, and said the experience was amazing.  If you are interested contact
My good friend Ginny Wieland is looking for someone who is able to work 10 to 15 hours a week at her boutique in Lagua.  The job pays 10 dollars an hour and you are also able to get internship credit.  The boutique is called Aris ( 949 497 8300).  If you are interested email Ginny at
These are just a few opportunities, and there will be more to come. If you have any questions call or email me.  Have a beautiful night loves.
Cassie Trunco
Cell: 909 717 0886
Students in Fashion

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