Friday, September 17, 2010

First Meeting

Hey Guys and Gals!!
So our first meeting went well! I'm stoked we had such a massive turnout. Hope that all who were there for the first meeting of the semester enjoyed it and will return on September 22 for the 2nd official fall into fashion meeting!

For those of you that missed it, no need to worry there is a way for you to get all the information an much much more. Send an email to to let the officers know you are interested in being a part of the club this semester, that way we can send you all the deets!

I am really excited about the member kits CARDIGANS!!! Who doesn't love cardigans?! It's going to be $50 dollars (Due September 22 at the meeting. Last due date will be September 29 and anytime after October 6th requires a $5 late fee) for the member kit, but remember if you miss under 3 meetings, attend 3 socials, 3 events, and 3 fundraisers you can become an active member and save you some moolah on next semester's application!

As for the cardigans we are have a CONTEST to design the new SIF logo. We need something new, creative, and fun that you think exemplifies fashion and clearly says Students In Fashion (so those not as cool as us, can know who we are!!) The latest you can submit your artwork is September 29th in the Students in Fashion box in the FCS office or shoot us an email. The winner gets a FREE member kit. Now, who doesn't love free stuff.

Well hope you all have been keeping up with the amazing new looks of Spring 2011 during New York's Fashion Week. If not, check out or the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week website too see some awesome collections. 
Hope to see all of your beautiful faces new week in FCS 011 at 12:30...Have a fashion filled weekend
Peace and Love,
your SIF social coordinator 
Clarrissa <3

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