Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring 2011 Meeting #1 Recap

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, 

I hope that this week's meeting was as informative enough for you all! Please note that this newsletter will cover a lot of information.

First: The fee for your member kits this semester is $50 (If you are an active member please talk to me when turning in your member kit money/talk to me if you aren't sure you are an active member). This semester we will be featuring a fashionable reusable bag with our logo on it as well as a canteen with our logo on it. Due to this semester's environmentally conscious theme our member kits have also become environmentally conscious. 

Second: S.I.F. positions are available for those who are interested! Michelle Rahim will need 2 fundraising assistants who will be helpful for her duties. We are also looking for an assistant coordinator to generally help with S.I.F. needs throughout the semester (Cassie attends the club senate meetings on Mondays, but is unable to due to work so she will need someone to take notes and report to her). ***Your hard work will not be in vain, you will receive S.I.F. active member status for the time and effort you will put in.***

Third: We have events lined up this week for our members. On Friday February 25th we will be going to a Cal Mart Sale at 11 a.m. email Cassie for more details if necessary. Finally this Sunday we will be hosting an Oscars party at Clarrissa's house 5:30 p.m.(address will be provided in the next email), the theme is pajama related and it is a potluck so bring what you can

Fourth: A big event/social that we are hosting this semester will take place on March 28th (Monday of Spring Break). We have three spots open (email Cassie by 8 a.m. on Monday and be certain you can go)left for the field trip and it is to Disney's costume design tour. After the tour we are welcome to enjoy our time at the Disneyland park (S.I.F. will pay $20 for the cost of tickets; your total is $48). 

S.I.F. Officer Contact:
Cassie Trunco (Co-president):
Andrea Medina (Co-president):
Sean O'Dwyer (Secretary):
Clarrissa Steward (Social Chair):
Michelle Rahim (Fundraising Chair):
Michelle Sampson (Event's Coordinator):
Hien Phan (Historian):
Ana Rosales (Fundraising):

Your S.I.F. Secretary,

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